Wireless networking hotfix in Parallels Workstation 2.1 for Mac OS X Beta6

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Andrew @ Parallels, Apr 30, 2006.

  1. Andrew @ Parallels

    Andrew @ Parallels Parallels Team

    Dear Friends!

    We apologize for bug with disabling wireless networking in Beta6! We've already fixed this and hot fix is available in download center. It goes also under Beta6 name with a different build number (1812.7). Please, download it, update your version and enjoy bridging to Airport again.

    Download Parallels Workstation 2.1 Beta6 Hotfix now!

    We're sorry for the inconvenience and believe that you'll excuse us for this mistake. We're trying to deliver the latest updates to you as fast as possible. We're happy to see that you really use the product. Thanks to all of you for your quick responses.
  2. Robbie_DB

    Robbie_DB Member

    Full screen resolution switching

    Thanks for the new Beta 6.

    For me, switching to full screen still does not switch the resolution to maximum native.

    As per some of the posts on the Beta 5 thread yesterday, this option doesn't seem to work for some people.

    Any ideas why...?
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2006
  3. jwhitney

    jwhitney Bit poster


    I had to tell my video card in XP to display all sizes and then I saw 1440x900 as an option. Then I had to go into Parallels prefs on the mac side and un-check "Change Mac OSX resolution" under user-interface.

  4. Robbie_DB

    Robbie_DB Member


    as I understand this option... it lets you display your guest OS (Windows XP in my case) in a console window that is of a fully viewable size on OS X... e.g. 1024x768 (i.e. none of the console window is 'off the screen' so to speak). Then when switching to full screen mode, Parallels automatically changes the guest OS resoltuion 'on the fly' to the required max resolution capable under the native OS. e.g. on my MacBook Pro that is 1440x900 or whatever it is.

    So Parallels should automatically switch between these two resolutions depending on whether i'm in console view or full screen view. I assume that checking the 'change OS X resolution' box selects this option to be active.

    However, the above does not seem to work for me.

    Any ideas...?
  5. mandola11

    mandola11 Bit poster

    Thanks, impressive turn around. Works great now.
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    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 30, 2006
  7. Andrew @ Parallels

    Andrew @ Parallels Parallels Team


    Do you use host-only networking mode or bridged mode?
  8. Robbie_DB

    Robbie_DB Member


    Hi Andrew @ Parallels...

    any chance of getting your opinion on my questions above regarding full screen mode resolution switching...?

  9. Andrew @ Parallels

    Andrew @ Parallels Parallels Team


    I'm not sure I correctly understood your fullscreen question... Now we have to options:

    1. Default behaviour. During fullscreen transition current host resolution changes to current guest resolution.

    2. Could be changed in menu Preferences->User Interface. During fullscreen transition current host resolution remains the same and guest resolution is changes via special guest tool. Latest Parallels Tools should be installed for this and it is only available now for Windows guests.
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    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2006
  11. andyeb

    andyeb Bit poster

    I experienced this problem with beta 6 (downloaded this morning), but this hot fix has solved the problem. Nice work!

  12. JWM

    JWM Junior Member

    how can i make the video card to accept all sizes, do not seem to be able to find it... silly but true...
  13. JWM

    JWM Junior Member

    asked to fast... solution go to display then settings/ advanced then adapter then more list more modes, pick the one you want and presto!
  14. Andrew @ Parallels

    Andrew @ Parallels Parallels Team

    No - it should be bridged to access physical network. In host-only mode you'll be able to see only host and other VMs.
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  16. Andrew @ Parallels

    Andrew @ Parallels Parallels Team

    It is strange. Can you post here tcp/ip settings for both iMac and guest VM?
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  18. Andrew @ Parallels

    Andrew @ Parallels Parallels Team

    Your guest address should be from the same network as your iMac - like 192.168.1.x . How your assigned it - using DHCP or manually? Are you sure you bridged to en0 or en1 (not en2)?
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  20. Andrew @ Parallels

    Andrew @ Parallels Parallels Team

    And still no networking? Did you assigned it manually or it is configured using DHCP?

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