Wireless (VPN?) Issue

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by CONRADBO, Jul 6, 2012.


    CONRADBO Bit poster


    my extremely reliable internet crashed today for the first time in months and was down for several hours. Before I realized that no one in the house could get online I had deleted my wireless connection that had been automatically ported from my mac when I installed parallels (VPN?), thinking I could easily reinstall it.

    Without the technological savvy / immense knowledge of confusing acronyms I am unable to fix this problem myself, and find myself lost and internetless. I read some posts earlier and alot of people were advised to enter a terminal command and reply the appropriate error code to one of the parallels developers. I cannot even find the terminal.
  2. YanaYana


    Not pretty sure what you have done. But i suggest first to start the virtual machine, open Virtual Machine menu at the top and choose Reinstall Parallels Tools. If it does not help - go to the same Virtual Machine menu --> Configure --> Hardware --> Network and make sure you have Connected option checked there and the option chosen is Shared Network

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