With Parallels - do I have to partition with Boot Camp?

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by PattS, Jul 19, 2008.

  1. PattS

    PattS Bit poster

    Hi all,

    After way too many years using a Windows based PC, I recently purchased an iMac. Awesome machine!

    I have a few programs that do need to run in Windows. Stopped at an Apple store today to get the scoop on how/what I have to install in order run XP. The guy told me to partition in Boot Camp first, load XP, then install Parallels.

    Well, after I did all of that this afternoon, I've had others message me that I really didn't need to use Boot Camp to partition the drive at all. One said that I should have just loaded the Parallels then the XP.

    So, I came here to see what the "experts" had to say about this. What is the most efficient way to get XP to coexist on an iMac?

    Figured if I'm going to do this....might as well do it the right way.

    Thanks much!

  2. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Let us see,
    at some day you may meet problem, that you have 3d software that it is not compatible to be running in Virtual Machine, in this case you can run it in Boot Camp
    Boot Camp based VM avoids additional layer of virtualization, hard disk image
    so, definitely it is good idea to use Boot Camp
  3. PattS

    PattS Bit poster

    Thanks for the response, John.

    So you think I should leave well enough alone and keep my configuration as it is?

    When I booted up this morning, without holding the option key it went right into XP. Shouldn't that be the other way around seeing as though Leopard is the main native operating system?

    This VM environment is unknown territory for me. I feel like such a novice to computers even through I've been playing with them for almost 20 years.

  4. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Boot in Mac OS and start Parallels Desktop, it will start Windows XP in Mac OS
  5. PattS

    PattS Bit poster

    Okay, so every time it boots up I have to hold the option key to do the Mac thing - I can live with that.

    Another question - the Apple store guy said that he never has run an anti-virus program on his XP partition. Should I be? When the XP VM machine is running, even though I will not use IE for internet access, am I leaving myself vulnerable to acquiring any viruses or spyware stuff? I'm still connected wirelessly via Leopard.

  6. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    boot once holding option key,
    System Preferences-Startup Disk and select Mac OS partition

    Every Windows should have antivirus - but just make sure, that AV settings doesn't interfere internet connection, example Norton and Kaspersky, if isn't set correctly, can block Internet access

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