WPA Encryption on Wireless

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by matthew.young, Nov 25, 2007.

  1. matthew.young

    matthew.young Junior Member

    I think this has probably been covered elsewhere but I have not found a solution which works and have had this problem since using the first version of Parallels and now on v3 it still does not work.

    I have an open wireless network at work and Parallels works fine. At home I have a Netgear wireless router using WPA encrpytion.

    Parallels running in Shared Networking mode connects to the router and gets a valid IP address and DNS Server etc but I cannot connect to anything. Obviously the setting is working as it is connecting to the router so it should be handling the WPA encryption but it just does not allow any access.

    I've tried Host Only, I've tried Bridged and followed all the instructions I can find from Parallels and elsewhere in the forum but no luck.

    Has anyone had this issue and found a solution which does not involve removing security from the router as that is not really an option.
  2. matthew.young

    matthew.young Junior Member

    Just a followup of info - using XP on Parallels Build 5160, NAT and Gust-Host are both Green in Mac System Prefs and have 10.x.x.x IP Addresses.

    Okay so I've removed all encyption on my wireless and instead used mac addresses to lock my wireless and Parallels still cannot connect to anything.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2007
  3. Eru Ithildur

    Eru Ithildur Forum Maven

    Take off the MAC address locking, does it work then?

    Some report that MAC address spoofing does not work with the Wireless adapter.
  4. spectre

    spectre Parallels Team

    Parallels utilize the same MAC address as the Airport card when connecting wirelessly in Bridged Mode - that's the current design limitation unfortunately. So your security configuration may drop 2nd connection coming from the same MAC.
    But if you can authorize wireless connection on the network from the Mac side - Shared Networking should work and there is a chance that Bridged will work too. But keep in mind that when in Bridged mode VM needs to be connected to the internal dhcp daemon, not your real network router, so settings in Windows should be "get IP automatically by DHCP".
  5. rbh

    rbh Member


    I have a 17" 2.4GHz MBP for my main work environment, running Parallels v3b5160 on OS X 10.4.11. I have a Vista Ultimate VM as my main corporate platform, and use OS X apps like Adium and FF for browsing and IM.

    I use a Cisco Aironet WPA 802.1x authenticated (PEAP) WLAN at work and a Linksys WRT54G 128-bit WEP encrypted (hidden SSID, long beacon, MAC filtered) WLAN at home.

    I have Parallels set to use bridged mode (so the Vista VM gets its own DHCP address to the OS X host). I have only got TCP/IP set up generically (as in out of the box) in the VM, and have no sharing enabled on OS X.

    I have my home network defined as a location in OS X - and select that when I want to use the beast on my home network.

    At work I set the location to Automatic and initially used Internet Connect to create a new 802.1x access/authentication profile (minus password).

    Depending on how my brain works first thing in the morning, I either run Internet Connect before switching locations and use that to connect and authenticate (it prompts for the password), or if I switch locations first it often recognises the work WLAN and prompts me for the 802.1x login password before I start Internet Connect...

    Anyway - it just works.

    I have found that the simpler solutions seem to work best for OS X and guest VMs - even way back when (2 jobs ago) I was running M$ VPC with a W2K guest on a 1.67GHsz 15" PowerBook with OS X 10.4.3 (and using the VM as a proxy for the OS X host due to the Windows only remote access we had at the time). :)

    So - in the case posed in the original post I'd suggest 2 options:
    1) create a network location for home, and one for work; or
    2) use Internet Connect (Location: Automatic) to define the home network and WPA security using the Airport tab (not the 802.1x tab).

    Does that help at all?
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2007
  6. matthew.young

    matthew.young Junior Member

    Okay here we go all the things I have tried:

    - no security on wireless
    - wep security
    - wpa security

    - shared networking
    - bridged networking

    - set up new location

    - set up brand new wireless router

    Nothing I do makes any difference....In shared networking I successfully get a 192.168.x.x IP address from my wireless router but I cannot connect to the internet. I Bridged network the Parallels interface and NAT have 10.x.x.x IP addresses but I cannot connect to the internet. I am all out of ideas now I think I have tried every possible configuration and nothing works.

    The confusing thing is why it works at work....at work we have Apple Airport Extremes and an open wireless network and parallels will pick up it's assigned dhcp ip address and connect to the internet without problems. At home with my netgear wireless router...and now with a brand new belkin router parallels can connect to the routers but go no further....could it be a setting on the routers which is causing the issue?????
  7. matthew.young

    matthew.young Junior Member

    Okay just to add to my confusion....if I connect to our work firewall from home using VPN it connects perfectly and I can access my work network - so the network within Parallels is obviously working.....so why can I not access the internet?
  8. Eru Ithildur

    Eru Ithildur Forum Maven

    Matthew, try booting a computer with Linux and setting the MAC address of the wireless card on that computer to the same one your Mac uses, then try connecting your Mac at the same time. Does the internet work on both?

    spectre, any ETA on when spoofing will be supported by Parallels? Or is it a hardware limitation with some of the cards?
  9. spectre

    spectre Parallels Team

    AFAIK it's wireless protocol bridging design limitation, but I'm not much into this area, just talked on it with our developers. So no ETA so far.
  10. matthew.young

    matthew.young Junior Member

    Sorry booting into Linux is a non starter for me I am afraid. I am sure there are loads of people who are working fine and equally those with issues like me...there must be something in the setup/workings of home use wireless routers that is causing parallels issues as opposed to just a straight forward simple access point
  11. Thomasj

    Thomasj Member


    The fact that you are able to work through "shared" on your work network tells me that it isn't really a router problem as much as it is a parallels / guest VM problem. the way your mac connects to your network (with password, mac encryption etc... should not interfere with the VM gettin network connection)

    my first question would be: did you alter any of the dhcp settings of parallels?

    i.e. standard its:

    Shared networking
    enable dhcp scope
    no port forwards.

    if you have entered that correctly, does your VM in fact get an IP like that? (you can check by clicking on the networksystemtray icon and checking the second tab, or through config, network connections and double clicking on the LAN network adaptor.)

    Have you tried the repair option of windows? rightclicking on your LAN connection and clicking repair.

    Can you ping anything? go to start --> run, type: CMD (enter)
    in the console type: ping www.yahoo.com (enter)

    it should give you 4 pings. (otherwise it will give you connection timeouts. which might be the case)

    Have you turned off the windows firewall? go to the properties of your LAN connection (rightclick on the connection choose properties, go to the last tab, click the button next to firewall (top right), choose turn off firewall)

    try the ping again after disabling firewall.

    Are you using leopard? if so it could be one of the faults:
    (copy from forum here: http://forum.parallels.com/showthread.php?p=87017#post87017 )
    11. After installing Parallels Tools, on the first VM boot it loses Internet connection

    Possible solutions:
    • Set up Shared Networking.
    • Verify that in “ifconfig†(Mac OS) and “ipconfig /all†(Windows) inet and IP address parameters are the same in the first 3 segments of the address. For Shared networking you need ifconfig's en3 section.
    • Make sure that Parallels NAT daemon "pvsnatd" is running on the Mac side. Try restarting it or re-installing Parallels Desktop.
    • In the Command window in Windows, enter “ipconfig /release†and “ipconfig /renewâ€.
    • From the Windows Start Menu, go to Control Panel - Network and Internet Connections - Network Connections - LAN settings and remove any Proxy connections

    I use my mac at work, at home, mobile (via phone), with WPA 2, WPA, WEP, Bluetooth and there is no interference by the restrictions set by the router. Allthough experience learns that expidia boxes tend to have a problem using mac (hardware address)-restrictions so you can turn that off (if needed), but the wpa key should not prove a problem normally. Let me know if any of that helped (create new insight).


  12. matthew.young

    matthew.young Junior Member

    Hi Thomas,

    Okay so, yes my dhcp is getting that 10.x.x.x IP address correctly but I cannot ping anything. I am using Leopard yes but I have always had this problem under 10.4 as well. If I look under networking on the mac side the Parallels DHCP and NAT are both green and have valid addresses.

    This is what confuses me...at work we have an open wireless network using Apple Airport Extreme base stations and Parallels works fine and in fact gets a 172.x.x.x IP address which is our range.

    At home I have a Belkin 54g wireless router (and before that a netgear one) and Parallels either gets a 10.x.x.x IP address or a 192.x.x.x IP address. Now I can understand that if it gets the 192 address from the router it may not like this as it will have effectively assigned two IP addresses to one mac address...but if it gets this I can atleast ping my own router but nothing else.

    BUT I can use VPN to connect to my work computer - so the network IS functioning otherwise my vpn would not connect - so why does my internet as in email, web etc not function thats what gets me it is like one protocol works but nothing else.
  13. Thomasj

    Thomasj Member

    hmm lets see if I get this correcly:

    when you say "parallels gets..." you mean windows? or do you mean parallels gets from mac..?

    as there should be a difference between the IP your mac has and the IP assigned to your windows. (parallels should play a mini router giving the VM a new IP)

    Can you confirm or deny the above please :)
  14. matthew.young

    matthew.young Junior Member

    Okay then Windows gets the 172 or 192 address and parallels has its 10 address - sorry for confusion
  15. matthew.young

    matthew.young Junior Member

    This is what I have just double checked settings:

    In Windows OS
    IP -
    Subnet -
    Gateway, DNS and DHCP -

    In Mac OS - Parallels NAT
    IP -
    Subnet -
    Gateway, DNS and DHCP - all blank

    In Mac OS - Parallels Host-Guest
    IP -
    Subnet -
    Gateway, DNS and DHCP - all blank

    Checked again and within Windows I can ping my router but cannot ping anything else
  16. Thomasj

    Thomasj Member

    Under network which location are Parallels Guest host and Parallels NAT using?
    As with me they don't have any specific address, under system pref --> network they show as "not connected" with location: automatic

    under systemprofiler they show as DHCP. (no IP's mentioned)

    and I have parallels running with shared internet working perfectly.

    and if you can (don't know if you can change anything manually) try filling in the IP of parallels Host Guest as the gateway address for Parallels NAT to see what happens.
  17. matthew.young

    matthew.young Junior Member

    Either Automatic or Home - both are basically the same thing - for me they always show as being connected and either have the 10. IP addresses previously mentioned or looking at them now have 169. IP addresses and set to DHCP.

    I tried manually changing and whilst that worked in the Mac, in the Windows side the Parallels Network Adapter still kept a 169 addresses even after renew and release
  18. Eru Ithildur

    Eru Ithildur Forum Maven

    Well, the reason I wanted you to boot into Linux on a second computer (you could probably find a MAC wireless spoofer for Windows) is so we could nail down if it is a MAC restriction.

    The latest series of comments do not suggest that it is a MAC restriction on your router.

    As was asked by ThomasJ, can you ping yahoo.com? Can you ping (Yahoo's IP address)
  19. matthew.young

    matthew.young Junior Member

    nope i cannot ping anything when i have this problem
  20. Thomasj

    Thomasj Member

    Is the problem always there?

    What happens when you turn off airport, start parallels, turn on airport, connect to home network?
    What happens when you have airport on connect to home network, start parallels?
    What happens when you have parallels working at work, tell mac to sleep, come home, activate your mac again, (let it connect to your home network).

    and do you have the latest version build 5582?



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