writing to MAC files from a Linux VM

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by gginnj, Aug 11, 2010.

  1. gginnj

    gginnj Junior Member

    I'm trying to copy files from a Linux directory to a MAC directory.

    I read nfs was the way to go, I downloaded the nfs manager for MAC, and did not choose to
    make the exported directory readonly (did not check the box).

    And on the Linux side, in my /etc/fstab I have the following:
    192.168.x.x:/macdirectory /mnt/apple nfs defaults 0 0

    I can read the files in the macdirectory fine, but can not write to it.

    Is there another way to access the files other than nfs? (prefer not use ftp - but if I have to.....)

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