XBox App can't download games, download throws error

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by ColinM12, Nov 3, 2021.


    SWANDY Pro

    There is actually an update today (downloading it now) that specifically mentions ARM machines. Maybe this is the fix we have been waiting for!!!
    2021-12 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 for arm64-based Systems (KB5008215)

    SWANDY Pro

    Installed update. Reinstalled Parallels Tools.
    Did it fix the issue with the Xbox App - nope.
    Did it fix the issue with the Xbox Wireless Controllers - nope.
    Not sure what it fixed or whether or not Parallels needs a new update to take advantage of what the Windows update did or didn't do.

    MATTHEWH20 Bit poster

    Just installed the update, ran game pass and attempted to install previously purchased MSFS. No joy... Error o

    MATTHEWH20 Bit poster

    I tried running the recommended fix in the console:

    Get-AppxPackage *gamingservices* -allusers | remove-appxpackage -allusers

    and got

    Get-AppxPackage : Access is denied.
    Access is denied.
    At line:1 char:1
    + Get-AppxPackage *gamingservices* -allusers | remove-appxpackage -allu ...
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: :)) [Get-AppxPackage], UnauthorizedAccessException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.UnauthorizedAccessException,Microsoft.Windows.Appx.PackageManager.Commands.GetApp

    SWANDY Pro

    Very interesting. As I posted after I did the recent MS Update that specifically mentioned ARM computers there was no obvious difference in how the Xbox app and the Xbox bluetooth controllers worked. But I now went into the Microsoft Store, picked a game "Broken Age" that specified Game Pass. Clicked on the link there that said to install the game I would have to install it through the Xbox app and VIOLA - it actually opened the app and completely installed the game!!! Played it for a few minutes (just to see if it would run properly). So it is interesting. that it worked going from the MS Store to the Xbox app. Next have to try seeing if other games I tried first using the Xbox app (and got the installation error) will work doing it with the link in the MS Store.
    Don't know if this was "fixed" by the update for sure because I never tried to install a game this way (Store to Xbox App) before

    SWANDY Pro

    Ok - update to previous post. Tried installing Doom and Doom Eternal (both of which I had tried previously from the Xbox app alone) - this time doing the Windows Store link to the Xbox app - and same installation error.
    Oh well but strange how it will work with different games and not with others. Now will try uninstalling Broken Age and try it directly from the Xbox app and see if it works.
    Such fun!!! ;););)
  7. Boiledpotato12

    Boiledpotato12 Bit poster

    Any updates on this? I don't get option to install gamepass games on Microsoft store, it just asks me to buy them. On parallels 17

    SWANDY Pro

    When I go to a Game Pass game, there is an option to open (or play - forget what it actually says) using the Xbox app. Would love for it to straightened out.
  9. Boiledpotato12

    Boiledpotato12 Bit poster

    Ah, all I get is the option to buy the game. I think it's some other problem on my side
  10. SWANDY

    SWANDY Pro

    No expert but sounds like the Xbox app for some reason doesn't know about your Xbox pass subscription. That's what I thought was happening to me till I read here about all the issues with ARM machines (not just Apple) and the Xbox app.
  11. CoryH2

    CoryH2 Bit poster

    I'm having the same issues! I've been on support chats with Microsoft and they say it's a parallels problem and then I'm a chat with Parallels and they say its a Microsoft problem. I paid the $1 trial for just the PC pass, then updated to the $16 ultimate pass. Nothing worked. Cloud streaming seems to work, but I'm on shotty wifi so I can't give it a true test.

    Running 2021 16" MacBook Pro M1 Max, literally maxed out. Looking forward to some gaming. This is unfortunate they can't work it out for us.
  12. SWANDY

    SWANDY Pro

    Interesting because there was a post here I believe a while back that said the issue with the Xbox app affects all ARM processors not just the Apple M1 chips. So if that's true it wouldn't be a Parallels issue.
  13. SWANDY

    SWANDY Pro

    I will try it again the next time I have the VM started. I have not "purchased" any games through the Xbox app - even allowing for the Game Pass discount - only games that were available through GamePass. I have been able to download and reinstall games that I had previously purchased through the Microsoft Store but have not purchased anything new.
  14. SWANDY

    SWANDY Pro

    Honestly don't know MS' definition of "purchased". I tried GamePass because they were giving a $1.00 per month trial for three months and wanted to see if any of the games would run on Windows (first 10 and then 11) ARM on my iMac. The few games I had previously purchased - but through the MS Store not the Xbox app - installed and ran. I can run the MS Solitaire Collection either from a start menu shortcut or the Xbox app. I also have three other games that show in the Xbox app - but they don't show as "GamePass" they say "You Own This" and I don't remember if I purchased two of the three through the Store or the App (The third - Hydro Thunder Hurricane) will install but since I cant get my Xbox controller to work via BlueTooth, I dont have the desire to play it via keyboard. (It did install and work under Windows 10, Windows 10 for ARM and Windows 11 for ARM.)
  15. MATTHEWH20

    MATTHEWH20 Bit poster

    I just attempted to use Steam to purchase MS Flight Simulator. It launched , but then crashed after it said my system didn't meet minimum requirements and might produce errors in the game.
  16. SWANDY

    SWANDY Pro

    I just purchased the new version of PGA Tour 2K21 Golf on Steam. It installed and ran fine. No warnings even though I don't believe I meet the minimum RAM requirement.
  17. RandalS

    RandalS Bit poster

    Very frustrating... I get that it's a Windows Problem, but I subscribed to Parallels just to play Minecraft from my Mac with my family.... and now it's not working. Pretty frustrating stuff. Not looking promising either, it's been what? 6 months?
  18. GraceJ2

    GraceJ2 Bit poster

    Any updates on this? I'm pissed off that I can't install games that I've paid for.
  19. SWANDY

    SWANDY Pro

    Nope. But from what I have read on Xbox forums it is still not limited to Apple M1 chips but most or all devices running Windows For Arm OS
  20. GraceJ2

    GraceJ2 Bit poster

    Thanks, yeah I discovered that after a bit more research. It seems that they will only install if marked as compatible with Surface. It's just so frustrating that the games might actually work, but the Xbox app can't install them, and the Xbox app is the only way to install them.

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