xen image conversion (or running live?)

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by xurizaemon, Dec 13, 2007.

  1. xurizaemon

    xurizaemon Bit poster

    Does Parallels have tools to convert a single file which contains an ext3 partition's contents into a working VM?

    We host a variety of systems on Xen, and I'd like to be able to take them on the road using Parallels. Is it possible to convert the file-based images we use to a Parallels VM?

    By "file-based image", I mean a system which I've set up in Linux by doing the following (roughly speaking).

    This is the bare system setup - it would be trivial to replicate the above steps in Parallels of course, but what I want to convert are the working systems which we use day-to-day, not a bare install.
  2. xurizaemon

    xurizaemon Bit poster

    Even better would be if there's some way to run the resulting image unmodified :)

    But I know that might be asking too much. Still, I can hope ...

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