Xfer of old VMs from old 10.6 to new with Parallels 6

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by Parallelism, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. Parallelism

    Parallelism Bit poster

    I've got Ubuntu and XP VMs that I just copied from a backup to my fresh 10.6.6 install on the same hardware (MBP) and just used Parallel 6's "open" function. It seems to have worked because they run, but I can't save any new VM options because the path to the VM has changed. So there could be other problems related to this. It raised a flag about using the same MAC address, and being the same hardware I chose "Copied".

    On my old system it was: "~/Users/FullName/Documents/Parallels/..."

    Now it's: "~Users/NickName/Documents/Parallels/..."

    I changed my user name in the new install to make typing paths shorter. So questions:

    1. Did I not use the correct procedure to transfer the VMs?

    2. Is there a way to change the obviously hard-coded installation path?

  2. Parallelism

    Parallelism Bit poster

    No one knows. Hmmm. Should I submit this question to support?
  3. Parallelism

    Parallelism Bit poster

    I found the solution in a pdf called "Parallels_Desktop_Advanced_VM_Configuration.pdf" (googled).

    Basically it seems that Parallels needs all paths in its config.pvs file to be valid before it'll let you save configuration options. To access config.pvs, right click on the VM file and select "show package" which will reveal it. You can then edit the file to correct the paths using TextEdit.

    Since my name had changed, I had three instances that needed correcting, a simple edit and save. One of the paths referenced a folder that no longer existed on my system, so I launched VM and got rid of it through the VM configuration panel. After these steps all is well again. It's possible that I could have manually deleted the path in config.sys but I decided to play it safe and do it through the Parallels Configuration panel.

    I did open a support ticket, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to let Parallels know about it! I can't seem to login into the Request Tracker... Anyone?
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2011

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