XP installation on Leopard woes

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by pastorpm10@gmail.com, May 18, 2008.

  1. pastorpm10@gmail.com

    pastorpm10@gmail.com Bit poster

    So I spent all last day trying to install a XP with SP2 on my MBP...

    I set it up to share half my RAM - 1024MB
    I give it a 32GB share of my HD.

    I do the custom install with those settings, also I run it using an .ISO.

    It starts installing but it stops several times to say that it cannot install certain files such as user32.dll and other .dll files.

    I skip those to finish the installation and XP won't start saying I need to redo the installation.

    Anyone know how to get past these problems?

    Any help is greatly appreciated!
  2. DerekS

    DerekS Member

    Is this boot camp, or inside a VM?
  3. ruel

    ruel Member

    my guess is you're doing parallels only (no bootcamp). have you tried an express install of xp instead of doing a custom install. you'll get less ram (i think it would be 512 meg for the ram), but the harddrive will be about the same. those .dll files not installing is a problem and of course xp won't start if it's missing necessary files but i think you know that. based on my own experience, i would think the express install will make it all install for you.

    but you mention you run it using an .ISO - i'm not sure what you mean there.
    do you mean you are using an .ISO of a windows CD? if so, then my guess is that .ISO may not have everything needed to install windows? or Parallels can't deal with that particular .ISO for installing windows. or you could try burning that .ISO to a CD and then try installing windows from the CD?
  4. pastorpm10@gmail.com

    pastorpm10@gmail.com Bit poster

    Progress update:

    Using Boot Camp I was able to go through the entire installation of XP, then the system rebooted and I got a black screen saying it was booting off the CD in the drive (Win XP CD).

    After a moment I was asked to pick a partition to install the XP OS, I thought I had already installed everything once, why would it ask me to re-do the installation?

    I picked the same partition (FAT32) that I previously installed XP on and it says I shouldnt install 2 OSs on the same partition so I quit the installation and im back here on the forums :(

    Any ideas?
  5. pastorpm10@gmail.com

    pastorpm10@gmail.com Bit poster

    new question

    ok so I got XP up and running after several attempts on Parallels.

    New question is:

    After having it installed through parallels is there a way to make it work through bootcamp now as well?

    Without XP installation etc?
  6. ruel

    ruel Member

    you may want to look at the manual - there's a section in the manual on bootcamp.

    and there is a section in Parallels built-in Help on bootcamp also.

    you may also want to do a search in the forums here and looking at the knowledgebase for other help.

    and of course, the bootcamp experts here in the forum could give you help.
  7. newbee

    newbee Bit poster

    can't install XP on my Mac Leopard 10.5

    My installation of XP froze at "Installing Start Menu Items"...it appeared to almost be finished with that. Collecting Info, Dynamic Update & Preparing installation was done.

    I have a Windows 98 cd and an XP Upgrade Cd. I first began with XP cd and chose "Express Install". It then asked to verify that this XP upgrade is authorized and asked me to put in Windows 98 disc, which I did and then it continued. However, it froze as I mentioned above.

    Any suggestions? Does it have to do with XP being an upgrade? It didn't give me any error messages about the upgrade.


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