You need to log in to Windows error during upgrade

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by cheezy, Apr 17, 2011.

  1. cheezy

    cheezy Bit poster

    Upgrading an XP VM to version 6 and get the following error:

    "You need to log on to Windows to complete upgrading your virtual machine.

    If autorun is disabled, you will need to open My Computer and run the setup.exe file located on the CD ignoring the windows notifications"

    The Vm actually opens and i can see desktop and icons..every time i restart it begins the conversion process again.

    Any help greatly appreciated
  2. JuliaU

    JuliaU Member

    Hello Cheezy,

    This is more like a service message. Most probably Parallels Tools cannot be installed automatically during upgrade of the virtual machine, that is why you need to install it manually. When you switched to the manual mode, just go to the Start -> My Computer -> and double-click CD/DVD-ROM. If installation is not started, go to Parallels Desktop dropdown menu -> Devices -> CD/DVD 1 -> Connect image -> navigate to /Library/Parallels/Tools/ and connect prl-tools-win.iso. Installation should start automatically. If it is not, go to Start -> My Computer and double-click CD/DVD-ROM.
  3. cheezy

    cheezy Bit poster

    hi many thanks - navigated to the Cd drive and kicked off parallels tools install. Upgrade now complete many thanks

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