Your account is disabled. Click here to confirm your email address and activate it.

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by AaronW123, Jan 5, 2012.

  1. AaronW123

    AaronW123 Bit poster

    I keep seeing this message in my /account/home page. I've clicked to receive the email multiple times and it says my account is activated.

    Additionally, the account page says I have 610 days of email support, yet when I click "get email support" it just refreshes the page. I can't find where to email support?

    If I go under the support menu and click "create support request" it simply refreshes my /account/home page

    What is going on?
  2. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    Are you running any sort of adblocker or similar in your browser?
  3. AaronW123

    AaronW123 Bit poster

    No... just on google chrome mac osx 10.6

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