12.1 kills ram allocation >8gb for non PRO version?

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by MacSpanner, Nov 11, 2016.

  1. ct2193

    ct2193 Bit poster

    Unfortunately, I don't think it's a bug. It appears to be a money dig, implemented by design.
  2. ct2193

    ct2193 Bit poster

    Only if greed is a bug.
    Per your own website on 2016.NOV.14, the limitation was NOT listed on the purchase page. Per the updated site today, the limitations are posted. Most, if not all of us here bought this BEFORE the limitations were posted. Because of this, we not only feel duped, but we're also forced into broken VM's due to their RAM / CPU requirements and/or due to their suspend state before the newest update.

    The solution is simple... Release another update that removes the restrictions and wait until Parallels 13 to impose them. And of course, POST THE LIMITATIONS BEFORE PEOPLE COMPLETE THEIR PURCHASE.
    MacSpanner, Nemensi and emiko like this.
  3. emiko

    emiko Member

    Just a word of caution: we are not allowed to post any VMWare related link here.
    So do not get surprise your posting got sensored (like mine).

    Initially, I was also making the same mistake as you do regarding the VMWare license.
    There is no such thing as 3 license pack.

    VMWare site shows it as an example for allowing you to install on multiple devices which belong to you.
    In fact, single 48 Euro licence let you install all Mac that belong to you.
    It is a permanent personal license, not a device licence like Parallels.
    Very very genelous and well thought since many of us have one desktop plus one portable or even two!
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2016
  4. emiko

    emiko Member

    That's exactly my point!
    This individual negotiation must be a part of "fire extinguishing" tactics on Parallels side.
    I refuse to take any part of it.

    Even you negotiated, all you will get is a "future refund" plus "immediate software license cancellation" or
    switching from permanant license to one year leasing agreement.
    I certainly do not care about neither one of those.
  5. JaredW1

    JaredW1 Bit poster

    Yes this appears to be a cold and calculated business decision on Parallel's part with no consideration given to its previously loyal customers. I wish this would appear on some major blog or news site so it would get the coverage it deserves. I'm afraid I don't have enough "karma" points anywhere to make that happen though.
  6. emiko

    emiko Member

    I just sent a message to a tech editor for Ars Techinica.
    I can also write to ExtremeTech and perhaps Naked Security.
    (I am not going to post links, please Google if you are interested.)
    We should not let this incident sweeped under the carpet and forgotten.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2016
    NateH1 and HeikkiL like this.
  7. Andrew@Parallels

    Andrew@Parallels Parallels Team

    To send a private message, please click on my name to the left (under the avatar) and click "Start a Conversation".
  8. jkhademi

    jkhademi Bit poster


    I received the offer to upgrade all four of my 12.x licenses to Pro for a year.

    This is not acceptable, and Parallels is not listening to it's customers who were duped into a 11->12 upgrade that is clearly not an upgrade. None of us complaining about this deception, nor any sane person would knowingly pay to upgrade from version 11 that runs 16 cores and over 8 gigs to version 12 that doesn't. Parallels pushes these upgrades out to it's customers, we click the link during our day, pay our fee, and get crippled in the process, only to find out about months later as a...what did you say..."licensing glitch."

    Many of us run our mission-critical applications on Parallels, and I for one, will not be duped into a subscription-based service where I am held hostage to fees that Parallels may see fit to change the terms on in this same, duplicitous manner in the future.

    I will not be taking advantage of the offer as I simply don't trust Parallels as a company any more, and even less so as a company that requires us to get in bed with on a subscription-based service. I would not have paid $200 to upgrade from 11->12 had I known this, and will not be asking for my money back, as there are other choices in the market. I'm downloading one right now. There is still time to make this right.

    I've suggested a very reasonable course of action for those of us that were deceived in this upgrade, and in return, Parallels asks us to marry the one that deceived us.

    Fool me once, shame on you.
    Fool me twice, shame on me.
    NateH1, JoelB3, HeikkiL and 3 others like this.
  9. jkhademi

    jkhademi Bit poster

    It is important to note that if you upgrade from the perpetual license product that we have all been accustomed to in the past (in my case, since version 4.x) to the term-based "Pro" product, this upgrade path will kill the licenses from your prior versions. That is, if you accept their offer for the free year, that kills your 11.x license. Of course, you must go read the EULA to find this important bit out, which has been conspicuous in the failure to mention this...

    From their EULA:

    If you purchase an upgrade (a new version of the Software) from a perpetual license to a newer version of the perpetual license, then your license keys to the prior perpetual license will continue to operate. However, if you purchase an upgrade from a perpetual license to a term-based license, then the license keys to the perpetual license will terminate upon activation of the term-based license.

    Thus the offer of the subscription-based product really isn't an offer at all.
    It locks you in to the subscription-based product, and kills the keys to the products that you already licensed and paid for.
    NateH1, JaredW1, JoelB3 and 4 others like this.
  10. EinarN1

    EinarN1 Bit poster

    Nope, the text "Start a conversation" is not there.

    Last edited: Nov 21, 2016
  11. LongChair

    LongChair Bit poster

    This is a good point.

    As far as I am concerned I could have considered moving to a pro subscription with an interesting offer.
    But the way this has been brought in just made me loose confidence in Parallels.
    I feel like I have been just ransomed and that feeling is not making me happy at all.

    Now I'm not keen with any Pro Upgrade at all, will just not use parallels anymore even though i have been using it since v10.
    I hope Parallels will be fair enough to refund subscriptions of people that feel the same way i do.

    Looks like a total own goal from Parallels to me there.
  12. LongChair

    LongChair Bit poster

  13. emiko

    emiko Member

    Just got this in my mailbox from Parallels:
    Promo Day! A bundle of madness for Mac: 320 Euro of savings - 6 applications among the best rated at a reduced price
    (original wasn in French, but I am not allowed to post non English message here - got a warning)
    Ovbiously their left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing....
    But the current situation with them is indeed a total madness.

    Loyal customers like us are proverbial golden goose to Parallels.
    We lay the golden egg at each version up.
    But now Paralles got so greedy decided to kill us all to find more eggs in our innards.
    I am complete done with them. I will not touch any of their products in future not even with a ten-foot pole.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2016
    JaredW1 and JoelB3 like this.
  14. DougP

    DougP Junior Member

    Andrew - To be completely open and transparent I suggest that you update the pinned update summary 11 and 12 threads at the top of the Installation and Configuration forum to mention the 8GB and 4 CPU limit as I assume this is where you expect people to look when they wish to purchase or upgrade (which is why it is pinned). It does not show up as a "new feature" in Parallels 11/12 or as a "bug fix" in 12.1

    May I suggest something like -

    "8 GB & 4CPU limit introduced to generate more revenue by making customers upgrade to Pro version on a subscription model. Unfortunately our as a company our innovation stream has dried up so we can't attract more customers by giving them compelling new features (Parallel Tools being a headline upgrade item - really? - more fool me for upgrading!) so we have to extract more money from our loyal existing subscriber base."

    Can you also lay to rest the notion that only "Pro" users need more than 8GB and/or 4 CPUs. Those customers which older or lower spec machines may need to dedicate a larger proportion of their Mac's resources to running a VM to get a reasonable performance.
    tornado267, emiko and MarkM7 like this.
  15. JaredW1

    JaredW1 Bit poster

    Promo day here too:
  16. JensM1

    JensM1 Bit poster

    I have this problem, too.
  17. JE1970

    JE1970 Bit poster


    did somebody experienced the same issue that during the latest Parallels update suddenly the core limitation of the VM is reduced to max. 4 ? I'm really astonished about such a behavior ...
    tornado267 likes this.
  18. emiko

    emiko Member

    Advertisemend Alert for Andrew,
    You forgot to delete the other links to the third-party produts in this thread - just to give you a hand.
  19. emiko

    emiko Member

    Just found this thread:
    The removal of functions in the standard edition without clear indication has been on-going process for some time.
    While removal of DHPC setting seems went thru without making tooo much noise last year,
    RAM/CPU restriction caught way more attention than Paralles wanted, I suspect.
  20. KeithA2

    KeithA2 Bit poster

    I updated my Parallels Desktop 12 for Mac this afternoon with the latest patch and I can no longer restart or startup my VMs which had 16 GB assigned to them. I just paid out to upgrade to 12 a week or two back now an update is trying to bleed me for another upgrade?

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