2 virtual machines and StartRep.exe error

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by Svengade, Sep 9, 2012.

  1. Svengade

    Svengade Bit poster

    Hi, just migrated my Win7 PC onto MacBook Pro using Parallels Transporter. Following issue: I had set up PD before and created a virtual machine called Windows 7. When a few days later I wanted to migrate my PC, PD on the Mac told me that a virtual machine of that name already exists and that I have to create another one with a different name - which I did.

    When finished migrating, the new virtual machine gives me a StartRep.exe error and i cannot get it to run. Also my user account is in the first virtual machine and the second (migrated) one does not show it.

    So I cannot use any of the migrated data or programmes - because that does not show in the first virtual machine.

    Is there a way to merge the two (preferably into the first one created) so I can use my migrated data and programmes?

    Any help appreciated - I am sitting here stuck...

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