Applications/games not working in Windows on Arm

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by Mikhail Ushakov, Feb 10, 2022.

  1. ThomasW3

    ThomasW3 Bit poster

    I am trying to install X-Plane 12 under Parallels latest version / Win 11 Pro on my Mac M1 Studio Ultra.

    Installation fails with the following error message:

    0:00:00.000 E/GFX: GFX bridge doesn't support required extension GL_EXT_memory_object
    0:00:00.000 E/GFX: GFX bridge doesn't support required extension GL_EXT_semaphore
    0:00:00.000 E/GFX: GFX bridge doesn't support required extension GL_EXT_memory_object_win32
    0:00:00.000 E/GFX: GFX bridge doesn't support required extension GL_EXT_semaphore_win32
    0:00:00.000 E/GFX: Failed to initialize Vulkan
    0:00:00.000 E/GFX: Vulkan layer reported: An extension required to run the OpenGL bridge is not supported on Parallels using Apple M1 Ultra (Compat)
    An extension required to run the OpenGL bridge is not supported on Parallels using Apple M1 Ultra (Compat)
    An extension required to run the OpenGL bridge is not supported on Parallels using Apple M1 Ultra (Compat)
    An extension required to run the OpenGL bridge is not supported on Parallels using Apple M1 Ultra (Compat)
    0:00:00.000 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: X-Plane failed to initialize Vulkan and can't run.
    0:00:00.000 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: An extension required to run the OpenGL bridge is not supported on Parallels using Apple M1 Ultra (Compat)
    An extension required to run the OpenGL bridge is not supported on Parallels using Apple M1 Ultra (Compat)
    An extension required to run the OpenGL bridge is not supported on Parallels using Apple M1 Ultra (Compat)
    An extension required to run the OpenGL bridge is not supported on Parallels using Apple M1 Ultra (Compat)
    0:00:00.000 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: See the Log.txt file for detailed error information.
    0:00:00.000 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert:
  2. KeithM12

    KeithM12 Bit poster

    Either the newest parallel update or the newest game updat has fixed this issue.
  3. AliH11

    AliH11 Bit poster

    Unfortunately, there is no land visible while playing "Knights of Honor II" through Parallels Desktop for Mac as everything is covered by water (see attached image).

    How could such an issue can be resolved.

    Attached Files:

  4. arka1

    arka1 Bit poster

    Hello! I want to launch the game editor, it starts, but when I try to open the map, it gives an error "texRT: failed". I contacted the developer and he said that the engine is written in directx 9 and there may be some problems with creating textures when emulating windows. I tried to install older versions of directx - it does not help. Can you help me please?
  5. KajP1

    KajP1 Bit poster

    Neither ESRI Drone2Map nor Fallout 4 are working for me. Both crash after I try to run the app from the launcher (fallout after the launcher changes settings, Drone2Map after trying to create a new project. I have Parallels set to Design but it does it on Gaming mode too.
  6. Maxim Rasulov

    Maxim Rasulov Staff Member

    We have created a support ticket for you to further investigate the behaviour of these applications.
    Please check your Parallels account e-mail for initial instructions.
    Thank you!
  7. EvgenijT3

    EvgenijT3 Bit poster

    Hello. Crucial for my work Revit plugin won't installing. Revit 2023 (x64) at same time works flawlessly! What can I do? Plugin developer tell that it's fine, and should work. Very frustrating :(
    R-BIM v1.11.3
  8. DanteG1

    DanteG1 Bit poster

    Does anybody know why the System Shock Remake doors don't load? parallels! help! lol m2max mbp
  9. John98

    John98 Bit poster

    Didn't see world of warcraft classic mentioned (sorry if I overlooked it) launcher seems to work although with some rare occasional graphical glitches/slowdowns. Can download and play diablo 3 and hearthstone without issues but launching wow classic results in bluescreen "KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED" 0x0000001e and just reboots.
    I've noticed that the game itself is the arm64 version so the game should in reality have a pretty nice performance (if it worked). Thinking it would be related to the arm version, I also tried to manually transfer a x86/x64 version of the game and launch but that didn't work.

    Also tried adding -d3d11 as additional command line argument, still same...

    I know theres a native arm m1 version for macos but I dont wanna install + discord etc filling up my main drive or add lots of bloat hence i'd rather run the vm on a nvme thunderbolt drive which works perfectly fine for other games and tasks.

    MBP M1 Pro, Monterey 12.6.7
    Parallels desktop 18.3.2 (53621)
    VM: Windows 11 arm64 (clean fresh install, tried reinstall aswell)
    Anyone have any idea what to look for to help solve this issue?
  10. fengk

    fengk Bit poster

    Unable to run World of Warcraft927,10.0
    system:win11 21H2
    software: pd18.0 Business
    I feel that dx11 and dx12 are not supported!
    Hope to repair it as soon as possible!
  11. Ken Ng

    Ken Ng Bit poster

    Are these missing textures problem with DX11 games a known issue already that are being fixed?
    Sable missing textures:
    Genshin Impact missing textures:
    It's shame because most of these games can run quite well on my Mac Studio (M2 Max, 12 core CPU, 38 core GPU, 64GB RAM)
  12. BradB7

    BradB7 Member

    Stray is now working with the latest version of Parallels Pro (19.1.0) as long as you disable the -dx12 parameter in settings when running it from Steam within the Windows 11 pro ARM shell in the latest version (currently 23H2 as of a week ago or so). I've changed no other settings after my reinstall. I'll keep you posted if I see anything else strange happening, but it appears to work now. We've been waiting for a native Mac version forever and inow it appears that Dec 5 it will (finally) be out according to Apple Insider.
  13. fengk

    fengk Bit poster

    Dear admin,
    Software version: pd commercial version 19.1.1 (54734)
    macOS: Sonoma 14.1.1
    Virtual system: win 11 21h2
    I am playing the game World of Warcraft and the map display is abnormal. Please see the picture below.

    Attached Files:

  14. Pelgraine

    Pelgraine Bit poster

    I can't get the FTR player to install and run correctly. I've tried both versions 5.6.2 (which doesn't even start) and 7.7. Error states:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\FTR\ForTheRecord\AMuxL.dll
    Unable to register the DLL/OCX: RegSvr32 failed with exit code 0x3​

    Things I have already tried:
    • Running an SFC Scan and also repairing possible corrupted system files
    • Running the program in admin mode
    • Disabling UAC
    • Checking for system updates
    • Installing both the 32bit and 64bit versions of Visual C++ Runtime
    • using Win+R then typing in regsvr32 "C:\Program Files (x86)\FTR\ForTheRecord\AMuxL.dll" (which gives me the module failed to load error with 'make sure the binary is stored at the specified path' etc, with 'A dynamic link library (DLL) intialization routine failed.')
    • running cmd in admin mode and entering C:\Windows\SysWOW64\REGSVR32 "C:\Program Files (x86)\FTR\ForTheRecord\AMuxL.dll" (same error)
    Further, if I tell the installation to ignore the dll registration error and try to play audio, I get the error 'Could not load the recording for playback. (0x80040154).

    I'm using Parrallels 19.1.1 (54734) with Windows 11 Pro 23H2 on an Apple M2 chip. I'll follow it up with the app's support, but I'm sure it's a Parallels-specific problem so thought I'd ask here first. Thanks in advance to anyone who might be able to help.
  15. Kire Bre

    Kire Bre Bit poster

    Windows Store does not work in Parallels Version 19.1.1 (54734). Nor does Notepad.
  16. Kire Bre

    Kire Bre Bit poster

  17. SWANDY

    SWANDY Pro

    Running same Parallels as you. Windows 11 PRO (23H2) on an M3 iMac but running Sonoma 14.1.2 and no issues with Windows Store or Notepad. Sorry for your issues
  18. GiovanniT2

    GiovanniT2 Bit poster

    ArcGIS Pro 3.2 on Windows 11 Pro in Parallels 19 mounted on a MacBook Pro M3 Pro with Sonoma.
    Arcgis doesn't start, no error messages.
    Arcgis instructions refers that: "Running ArcGIS Pro on a Windows VM on a Mac with an M-series processor requires Parallels Desktop version 18 and Windows 11 Azure Resource Manager (ARM) installed as the guest operating system. Install the Microsoft .NET Desktop Runtime 6.0.5 or later Windows x64 installer."
    I don't know how to get or if Ia am running Windows 11 Azure resource Manager.
  19. GiovanniT2

    GiovanniT2 Bit poster

    Solved! I mistakenly installed the Microsoft .NET Desktop Runtime 6.0.5 ARM installer, instead of the x64 installer, thinking about the kind of processor. Now ArcGIS Pro works.
  20. MikeS48

    MikeS48 Bit poster

    I am having a problem with the EA game Unravel Two. I have first tried it on VMware fusion, where the game runs perfectly fine for the first hour or so of gameplay, but crashes when entering the second level (which seems to be a hub area of some sort, seems like it uses some shader or particle effects not present in the first level which cause the crash).
    I have installed the game in Parallels in a fresh Win 11 VM. It does open, and the second level does load, but the framerate is about 1 FPS. Parallels Tools is installed, and the graphics driver is installed + enabled. I have enabled all performance- and game-related settings in Parallels. I am at a loss as to how to further troubleshoot this. Any advice?

    I am using an M1 Pro macbook, using the Parallels built-in Win11 for ARM installer.

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