Can't start Windows 8 VM on latest MacBook Air

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by endquotedotcom, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. endquotedotcom

    endquotedotcom Bit poster

    I have a shiny new 11" MacBook Air and have configured Windows 8 on a Boot Camp partition, which works fine. However when I try to start it up in Parallels Desktop 8.0.18494, I get a message saying that I need to log in to Windows to configure it, and then a console which is stuck at "Trying to boot from SATA Drive 1..."

    I've tried a bunch of times but haven't been able to get past this.
  2. GeekHerder

    GeekHerder Bit poster

    Same here, MBA 13" I think it is due to the SSD being PCIe. This is the first Mac with that configuration, and it looks like Parallels doesn't support it yet.
  3. Milhouse994

    Milhouse994 Bit poster

    Same here! I have a brand new 13" MBA and I have literally spent 6-8 hours trying to get this to work today. Trying every work around, cheat and hack to try and get it to run, no luck.

    Windows 8 runs great in Boot Camp, but I cannot get it setup in Parallels using the Boot Camp partition. "Trying to boot from SATA drive 1" error.

    Hoping we can get a patch to Parallels ASAP to resolve this as I'm dead in the water until then.


    EDIT: Posted a thread over at the Macrumors forums to help anyone else out with this problem
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2013
  4. Andrew@Parallels

    Andrew@Parallels Parallels Team

    Have you guys updated to the latest build of Parallels Desktop 8?
  5. Milhouse994

    Milhouse994 Bit poster

    Hi Andrew,

    I am running the latest version, 8.0.18494. Still having the issue. Identically, I opened a ticket to report this issue (#1669332). So far they have not been able to help.

  6. Milhouse994

    Milhouse994 Bit poster

    Hi Andrew,

    Yes, I am running Parallels 8.0.18484. Incidentally, I opened a ticket to report this issue (#1669332). So far they have not been able to help.

  7. gdminch

    gdminch Bit poster

    I have just updated Parallels 8 and even though Parallels was running with Windows 8 and Mountain Lion perfectly now it is impossible to start the VM i.e. Windows 8. Nothing else has changed except the update. When I initially updated Windows 8 continiued to run it is only since I restarted the MacBook Pro (Retina Display) that it cannot find Windows. It asks me to load Windows 8 from a disk. It is already loaded so why reload. i.e.The message indicates that Window 8 is not loaded. This is a major inconvenience. The last time I upgraded I had similar nightmares. Why don't Parallels test the upgrades beofre releasing them or a least provide directions????
  8. fakebanana

    fakebanana Bit poster

    Same problem here (11" i7 2013 Macbook Air)
  9. Andrew@Parallels

    Andrew@Parallels Parallels Team

    Hi Milhouse994,

    Your ticket will be updated soon, please keep the thread in the loop of the news.
  10. Andrew@Parallels

    Andrew@Parallels Parallels Team

    Hi All,

    Please help us help you. Reproduce the issue (start the VM and wait till it fails to boot) and submit a problem report as described here:

    Post your problem report IDs here.
  11. fakebanana

    fakebanana Bit poster

    Problem report ID #26059850 (I just generated a new one - I don't know what problem report ID was generated when I sent my support request). FYI, I tried running under the 10.9 developer preview - it didn't help.
  12. SaulPager

    SaulPager Bit poster

    Hi, I am also having this problem. I just installed XP instead. Think it's more stable anyways.
  13. NYC212

    NYC212 Bit poster


    Same issue Reported Problem ID 26077022
  14. StirlingT

    StirlingT Bit poster

    Same issue here, Good to see its not just me...
  15. >>> Message has been deleted by the user <<<
  16. Andrew@Parallels

    Andrew@Parallels Parallels Team

    @NYC212, @fakebanana, @SimonH84 - thanks for the problem report IDs! We'll check it and get back to you as soon as we can.
  17. sethmw

    sethmw Bit poster

    Hi Andrew,

    Same problem here (identical). I take it you guys are on it, and there's no need for additional error logs?

    If I should upload them please let me know, if not I'll wait for you to post a solution in this thread?

    Thanks in advance,

    Last edited: Jun 26, 2013
  18. gibjer

    gibjer Bit poster

    I am in the same boat, trying to install for the first time to a new VM, I get the no device drivers could be found.

    13" Haswell i7 Air
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2013
  19. NYC212

    NYC212 Bit poster

    ETA? Workaround?

    Any ETA on the fix or a workaround?
  20. SadatC

    SadatC Bit poster

    Exactly same situation as everyone else. Fresh Windows 8 Pro install on Boot Camp on a 2013 Macbook Air 11" (Haswell). Fresh install of Parallels 8. Shows progress in converting the boot camp drive/disk/volume, but hangs during actual startup saying "Trying to boot from SATA drive ... "

    I think I opened up a ticket -- I hope they address this issue soon, as I am sure Parallels will keep hearing more and more customer complaints.

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