How to inhibit 2x client starting when Windows starts?

Discussion in 'Parallels Remote Application Server' started by Tom25, Feb 28, 2007.

  1. Tom25

    Tom25 Guest


    Is there a way to keep the 2x client from starting when Windows starts? I would like to make this change in the MSI file if possible.

    Thank you,
  2. Cedric

    Cedric Guest

    Hi Tom25,

    Please note that in build 199, it is not possible to configure the MSI in a way to keep the 2X client from starting when Windows starts.

    Though one can always delete the 2x shortcut from the start up folder.
  3. nsumner

    nsumner Guest

    Actually in client 199 it always recreates itself in the user startup folder, which is VERY annoying to say the least.
  4. gazguru

    gazguru Guest

    This feature should be modified.

    This causes startup delays and error reports on mobile computers that have intermittent connections to the internet, vpn etc. To be forced to accept it makes me reluctant to deploy the application. I need to setup 15 networked users and 5 vpn road warrior users. I will get complaints from my mobile users about this. It reminds me of arrogant M$ policy that assumes that you always want to run their software.
    I have tried various methods to stop it from starting but each time you launch the client it re-installs itself in the startup locations. Obviously it is written into the client to always re-write the startup. This should be an optional setting.
    I consider this to be a necessity that should be addressed immediately, not a wishful add-on.
  5. nixu

    nixu Guest

    In the next release an option to start the application at startup will be available.

  6. kgwin

    kgwin Guest

    Any indication of when the next release might be available?
  7. akaravadra

    akaravadra Guest

    2x applicationserver client starting automatically

    Hi Guys,

    One possible solution to this is to use a login script to remove any shortcut in the startup folder under Document and Settings. Here's the script that will go through the all profiles (except for preditermined profiles). and delete the 2x applicationserver shortcut if it is located under the startup folder.

    ' VB Script to remove a designated file (default is ) located in the profile folder for every user on the
    ' system. There is provision for exempting certain folders via the constant ProtectedUsers which is set to a comma separated
    ' list which can be altered according to your requirements
    ' You should alter constant DeleteProtectedUsers from FALSE to TRUE to delete *ALL* copies of the file regardless of profile
    'Credit - Spartacus
    ' URL:

    Const FileToDelete = "2X ApplicationServer Client.lnk"
    Const AllUsers = "\All Users"
    Const DeleteProtectedUsers = "FALSE"
    Const TemplatesFolder = "Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
    Const ProtectedUsers = "Default User,Administrator,All Users,NetworkService,LocalService"

    Dim oFSO, oWSH
    Dim sAllUsersProfile, oAllUsersFolder, sProfilesRoot, oFolder
    Dim colFSOSubFolders
    Dim protuserarray
    Dim DeleteFlag

    On Error Resume Next ' this is set because the designated file may be locked from deletion

    protuserarray = Split(ProtectedUsers,",")

    ' Instantiate the objects

    Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    set oWSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

    ' Get the Allusers profile folder path first and from this determine profiles parent folder

    sAllUsersProfile = oWSH.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%ALLUSERSPROFILE%")
    Set oAllUsersFolder = oFSO.GetFolder(sAllUsersProfile)
    sProfilesRoot = oAllUsersFOlder.ParentFolder

    ' Now enumerate all existing user profile folders

    Set oFolder = oFSO.GetFolder(sProfilesRoot)
    Set colFSOSubfolders = oFolder.Subfolders

    ' Now go through each existing user profile folder looking for the designated file to delete

    For Each objSubfolder in colFSOSubfolders
    DeleteFlag = "TRUE"
    if oFSO.FileExists(sProfilesRoot & "\" & objSubfolder.Name & "\" & TemplatesFolder & "\" & FileToDelete) then
    ' Found the file, now establish whether containing folder is on the exempt list
    if NOT DeleteProtectedUsers then
    For Each element in protuserarray
    if ucase(element) = ucase(objSubfolder.Name) then
    DeleteFlag = "FALSE" ' mark this occurrence of the designated file as exempt from deletion
    exit for
    end if
    end if
    If DeleteFlag then
    ' File was found in a folder that is not exempt, so go ahead and attempt to delete
    oFSO.DeleteFile sProfilesRoot & "\" & objSubfolder.Name & "\" & TemplatesFolder & "\" & FileToDelete,TRUE
    end if
    end if

    ' Clean up before exiting
    set oFSO = Nothing
    set oWSH = Nothing

    Please note the above work is not my and i have given the person credit.

  8. nixu

    nixu Guest

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