I don' think this problem is solved. I haven't tried it with the last Update yet but I'd be surprised if they fixed this without mentioning it in the release notes. At this point I think this issue persists over a year and across multiple main versions. They probably won't fix this at all which I think speaks for itself.
I'd also be interested what the exact difference and consequences are when using the apple hypervisor.
Here is a more general description of what a hypervisor actually is by parallels itself. You can find a lot more detailed explanations when googling but since we are talking about parallels let's take their official explanation.
I found this discussion in the parallels forum where people seem to have mixed results but mostly favour the apple hypervisor due to some issues with the parallels one.
On the other hand the parallels support posted this reply on the first page of the discussion:
Hi, Apple hypervisor comes short of the following matters comparing to the Parallels hypervisor:
- Performance: slower on VM startup and shutdown
- Stability: may crash more frequently
- Functionality loss: no PMU, nested virtualization, thermal monitoring, energy profiling
Parallels Hypervisor is the best one.
Paul Chris
This is a discussion on stackexchange regarding the topic.
Another explanation from parallels regarding the adaptive hypervisor option.
Let's hope parallels support can actually give us a more detailed explanation here.