Hi there,
I am having graphics issues with OSX - High Sierra Guest 10.13.4 on a OSX - High Sierra Guest 10.13.4 host on a MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2016).
Version 13.3.1 (43365)
with newest guest tools installed.
Visual Studio Code has issues displaying correctly. Objects appear and disappear. Same issue for other applications (I can send GIFs?, but they are too large for here)
I was able to fix the Chrome issue with disabling hardware acceleration (other issue).
I would bet that there's something wrong going on with graphics acceleration for OSX. My Linux VMs work fine.
It might be that all applications including VS Code that are based on web-technologies will face the same issue. VS Code is built on Electron ...
@PaulChris@Parallels - You guys should look into this.
Last edited: May 24, 2018