Opening attachments on Apple Mail .eml file - Mac and Parallels communication issue?

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by rexie, Jul 21, 2023.

  1. rexie

    rexie Junior Member

    Not sure if I should have posted this as a Windows issue or Mac issue.

    I save emails from Apple Mail to my hard drive; usually by 'drag and drop'. This creates an .eml file. Double clicking on the file opens a file that looks exactly like an email with any attachments showing as graphics and menu buttons to forward, reply etc. The attachment shows a graphic of the Office program used to generate it and the 2 red parallel lines, indicating Parallels.

    The problem is that double clicking on the attachment graphic results in an error; it reports that the path does not exist and provides the missing pathway eg - \\Mac\Home\Library\Containers\\Data\Mail Downloads\xxxxxxx\name of file. I have checked an the folder does not exist any more due to changes in the MacOS. The 'path not existing' could be a furphy any way because of the following:

    1. if I choose 'forward' for the email, the attachment graphic then shows a size under it; and if I double click on it, the file opens in the relevant Office program in Parallels.
    2. If I 'drag and drop', the attachment from the .eml file to the Mac desktop, and then double click it, the file opens in the relevant Office program in Parallels.
    3. The .eml file size is greater than than the attachment size, suggesting that the attachment has been saved with the .eml file
    I have spoken with Apple Support and they have suggested that there is a communication problem between the Mac and Windows. Can anyone help with this?
  2. KegeF


    Hi rexie
    Hi Rexie,
    Thank you for creating this thread. For the past few days, I have also been facing the same issue. If anyone has a solution, please share it with us.

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