Parallels 11 susbscription clarifications

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by ggascoigne, Aug 20, 2015.

  1. AlexB2

    AlexB2 Bit poster

    I was happy to pay for and recommend Parallels since Parallels 5, but I think Parallels 10 is going to be my last version. The downgrade for the normal version (8GB RAM, really? no snapshots?) and the uncertain subscription upgrade pricing for the pro version (is it $49.99/yr forever or just for the first year?) means that Parallels is no longer an attractive option over VMWare Fusion.

    What's also frustrating is the lack of clarity regarding the loss of functionality between Parallels 10 & 11. While I got plenty of upgrade prompts in my email, account, etc the loss of RAM/CPU and snapshots is not called out anywhere. I only found this out by reading the forums. This feels very dishonest although I understand why Parallels would not want to call this downgrade out.
    Brian& likes this.
  2. jrcpvaz

    jrcpvaz Bit poster

    I am also at a disadvantage now with the Pro version of Desktop 11. I was able to install version 10 on several of my personal computers (one for astronomy work, one for portable use, and one for desktop use) without any complaints. And now I am restricted to installing Pro on only ONE computer - and I am supposed to have unlimited installations with the Pro version. How can I promote Parallels with a restriction like that? And I can find nothing anywhere that would allow me to install on, say, up to 5 home-based computers for personal use like other software does (i.e., CleanMyMac3). In other words, a family edition. This must may push me back to using VMWare (ugh!) or worse yet, VirtualBox. I have no problem with the annual fee for Pro users. This is an excellent product and worth supporting instead of grabbing. However, if I decide not to continue my subscription, then I know I would no longer get support but I would expect to be able to continue to use the product - it is NOT bombware that stops working after the subscription runs out. Or, I should say, it better not be.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2015
  3. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    The EULA hasn't changed in that aspect, in Parallels 10 (and 9, 8, ...) you were only allowed to install on one computer, and to prevent the situation of hardware changes or moving to a new computer the app would permit two installs until it complain about activation then it would have to be reset by Parallels. So, either you like it or not, it was already like that, this is not new to 11.
    You can see plenty of old threads about "you have reached your activations limit". In your case, if you did manage to make 3 installs without complaints there must have been glitch or some piece of information is missing.
  4. Thony SJ

    Thony SJ Bit poster

    Lol good luck guys... Though its too late for me (because i signed up already for 11 Pro which kinda sucks) i hope a change will be made for this per machine licensing. Dont want to compare Parallels over Office 365- but it offered me up to 5 installs of their software for Home subscription.
  5. ChrisT3

    ChrisT3 Member

    True, and all well and good.

    Yet for $79.95, VMWare explicitly gives you THREE installs.

    I know you're not directly defending Parallels and you don't work for them, but their competitive value has eroded to zero with this release. Especially with Fusion 8 announced today with better graphics performance, and no crippling of VM sizes / RAM..

    As a long time Parallels user, it just simply makes zero sense for me to stay with them. They seem to be getting cocky and really considering their users last. To that I say, good luck. VMWare hasn't exactly put a ton of resources into Fusion compared to their other products, but they are a huge company compared to Parallels, and I wouldn't want to mess with them.

    I'm saying this as a last gasp here in this forum because I really want to like Parallels because their product and technology is great. However, their service and company in general seems to be taking a dive, and in an environment where there are viable alternatives customers are not going to put up with that. It's been pretty obvious seeing the responses in this forum.
  6. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    I've said this before, if you are currently a Parallels 10 user there aren't many compelling reasons to upgrade to Parallels 11 Std.

    For a P10 user, comparing Parallels 11 (std) to Fusion 8 (Std), yes, Fusion 8, right now, seems a better deal. And it is simple because Parallels artificially reduced some features (like vCPU and vRAM support) on the standard edition, thus creating a space for VMWare to compete.

    However, comparing Parallels 11 Pro to Fusion 8 Pro, and even considering it's a subscription (taking into account support policies for permanent licenses, etc), and considering that if you are upgrading, you get a 49.99 deal in the subscription (per year, at least that's what I gathered). Parallels 11 Pro is a better deal.

    And now that VMWare has came out with OpenGL 3.3 support, I'm sure Parallels is feeling the heat to support it and one up with Direct X 11. Parallels has an history of staying ahead in graphics performance, they shouldn't really let this one slip.

    As for the multiple install police, yes, I also think Parallels should review this policy carefully.

    Finally, yes, I try to be fair and unbiased, I know I'm not like any other user here, I'm a Product Expert which, of course makes what I write being seen in a different perspective, but I have a responsibility mostly for being technically accurate and objective.

    The future of virtualization is in the Cloud, and offloading some performance intensive tasks to the cloud, in the coming years, a subscription service will make more and more sense than it seems now. ;)
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2015
  7. ggascoigne

    ggascoigne Member

    ChrisT3 likes this.
  8. ChrisT3

    ChrisT3 Member

    You may be right - maybe, if they DO review the multiple install issue.. AND if users can lock in the $49.99 price "forever". At $99/year? No, it's not a better deal. Of course, Parallels hasn't been clear on how long users can retain this pricing. Communication has been abysmal with this upgrade, and they're really shooting themselves in the foot by that.

    I would encourage Parallels to look at the history and fate of Connectix as a company, and see where they went.. That is, unless they're simply looking to get bought out by Apple - then we're in a whole different ballgame.
    oztrev likes this.
  9. fahlman

    fahlman Junior Member

    You can add me to the list of users who would like the Pro features but is not willing to subscribe. Like others, if there was the ability to purchase a Pro license, I would have placed my order already. I have been using Parallels for a few years and have always been happy to pay for the newer versions. I understand it takes revenue to produce and support the software, but v10 was probably the last. I have been watching Fusion (and use it at work) for a couple years, but was always happy with Parallels. That might have just changed.
    ScottG7 and JAMiller like this.
  10. MarieC

    MarieC Junior Member

    Is it a joke or do you take your customers for stupid people?
    Till now, did you publish more that one upgrade (new version) per year?
    The most faithfull customers paid about 50 $ per year for having new version, today, they will pay 100 $ that is to say the double! And what for exactly?
    For sure, keeping some features they had in PD10 for 50 $!
    For being able to install PD on a second computer? No!

    So maybe for having additional "important" upgrade(s) during the one year subscription or just regular updates like "no subcription" version also usually get?

    At the moment, the only visible advantage of Pro Edition is technical support that is apparently not limited to 3 months only.
  11. MarieC

    MarieC Junior Member

    Sorry, your comment is misleading.
    I already post the following comment in another thread (Parallels 11 only 8GB vRAM per VM?):

    "For those who wish to keep PD 10, Parallels may sleep well, most of users who want to upgrade sooner or later to Windows 10 will have to consider PD 11 anyway. For this reason (please have a look on the following article):

    For users who can live running Windows in a restrictive way, the last version of PD 10 (supposed to be Windows 10 compatible) is buggy anyway: version 10.2.2-29105 even brought problems with Windows 8.1 VM (I had to revert to PD 10.2.1-29006 since at the moment Parallels didn't release a new build to fix problems)."

    Proof they (Parallels decision-makers) are silly or they just don't care to lose home/home office customers.
    And I don't believe they are silly ;).

    Of course, price of permanent license may increase from a major version to another but doubling the cost would lead too many people not to upgrade when not absolutely needed ;). With Pro Edition subscription (the only version including features lost in permament 11 version), users will generally become much more captive.
    So where did you gather your information please?

    At the moment, I didn't read anything mentioning that Pro Edition subscription will stay at (or close to) 49,99 next year for existing customers. With subscription, there is no upgrade price notion anymore and - considering current lack of crystal-clear info in this matter - Parallels may decide to invoice much more next year, even 99,99 (current full price).
    Have a look on screenshot attached.

    Do you see full permanent version price here? No, just the upgrade price (OK since I clicked on "Upgrade now" button).
    So why can you see "UPGRADE NOW $99,99 -> $49,99/yr Limited offer to existing customer" ?
    To my eyes, it let suppose there is a special discount on the UPGRADE price from permanent version to Pro Edition 1 year subscription. It doesn't mean Parallels will keep this Pro Edition price next year(s), IMHO it means quite the opposite.

    Parallels is usually ahead (even for USB 3 support when just arrived in Fusion 8 if I remember well), that's correct.
    I also think Parallels should review new policy carefully and quickly.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Aug 26, 2015
    oztrev likes this.
  12. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    My posts are are targeted at the benefit of users in general and I'm not interested in 1-to-1 debates, I have nothing to prove, take my comments as they are. Me being the target of your post is slightly misguided as I don't represent Parallels.
  13. MoritzO

    MoritzO Bit poster

    I was interested how the prices of Fusion and Parallels really compared, so I made spreadsheet. This doesn't take any discounts into account, aside from upgrade pricing for all upgrades after the first year. Most users here are probably eligible for the reduced Parallels Pro subscription price, in which case that number can be cut in half. All prices are in Euro but they convert more or less 1:1 to USD. Also, I'm assuming that upgrade prices stay the same for the next 10 years.
    The result actually surprised me quite a bit. As I own two Macs and am generally fine with upgrading only every other version, VMware Fusion is easily the better deal. In this scenario the Pro version is not that much more expensive than Parallels basic.
    Of course, I might have made a mistake somewhere. Feel free to correct me. Specifically, I didn't find any concrete info on installing Fusion Pro on multiple Macs. But neither did I read anything that said it wasn't allowed. The only Fusion license agreement I found doesn't mention Pro explicitly.

    Both Pro versions come with certain unique characteristics that also might tip the scale in one direction or another. For example, Parallels Pro has Parallels Access included. On the other hand, Fusion Pro integrates well with the rest of VMware's offerings (ESXi, vSphere or whatever).

    VM comparison.png
    Specimen likes this.
  14. MarieC

    MarieC Junior Member

    So what? Your answer is mostly irrelant.
    oztrev likes this.
  15. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    Yeah? So please do me a favour and ignore it and ignore also anything I say, I think we'll get along better that way if you understand my French. ;)
    Dishant@Parallels likes this.
  16. ggascoigne

    ggascoigne Member

    Honestly I think that the upgrade to pro is a honey pot designed to sucker people over to the subscription model without them realizing that they've gone from owning software to renting it.
    ScottG7 likes this.
  17. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    And what's the point of owning a piece of software that is stuck at a version that no longer works with the current OS version you are using in the host and guest?

    In five years you will still own your P10, but will be of no use to you.

    The point is that in practical terms people are already in a Software as a Service paradigm due to the constant evolution of software the only question is not ownership but price.
  18. ggascoigne

    ggascoigne Member

    Right, and in at some point in those 5 years I might choose to upgrade, or not and suck it up. But that would be my choice, not some deadline after with everything deactivates.

    I've actually upgraded pretty consistently for several years, but if I'm late then nothing stops working. When I need to upgrade because of features or fixes then I upgrade, not because of some arbitrary date.

    If the only compelling reason to upgrade is that the software will otherwise deactivate then that's pretty sad. If there are features that justify the upgrade then they don't need such a draconian subscription model.

    Just like every single other piece of software that I own, and all of Parallels' competition - support and features drive upgrades, not deactivation deadlines.
    ScottG7 and c0d3p03t like this.
  19. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    In a subscription model you are not paying for upgrades, you are paying for support, for a service.
    Office 365 and Adobe CC are the same.
  20. ggascoigne

    ggascoigne Member

    Both of which offer cloud services as part of the package. That said, I don't actually want either of those either.

    As for support, great, stop support just don't deactivate the software.
    ScottG7 likes this.

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