Parallels Windows 10 missing apps compared to Bootcamp

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by PeterN23, Oct 23, 2023.

  1. PeterN23

    PeterN23 Bit poster

    MacBook running Sonoma and Parallels 19, Win 10
    When I boot to Win10 via Parallels my Excel 2019 app is missing along with a desktop folder.
    When booting via Bootcamp no problem everything is there.
    I was hoping that Paralells would work as the Win Excel, as expected is excellent, and meets all my work needs as opposed to Mac Excel.
    Any one out there who can help or advise with this problem.
  2. PeterN23

    PeterN23 Bit poster

    I was stupidly naive to believe that Paralells would access my Windows 10 and not a VM version. In the Paralells version I lost all of my MS Office apps and contents of data folder folder on the desktop. I have since dropped Parallels into the trash can and mourn the loss of GBP 105 ($128):(:(:(

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