I run linux in Parallels 17 and was working just fine. It does not work anymore after updating to 17.1... I can confirm the problem is with Parallels not only because it was working before, but because it is working with VMware Fusion at the moment.
Hello, please collect the technical report once the issue reproduced and post the report's ID here. We will be glad to help.
Hi, it seems that 17.1 is unable to correctly communicate with USB ports when it comes to serial communication protocols. I have a device that uses the usb port and communicate with an application called Vega. It's a card reader... works using serial 9600bps connection... It worked perfectly well under version 14 of Parallels. But once I upgraded to 17.1, it was unable to work properly anymore, worse : my device froze ! My temporary solution is to downgrade to 14. Simple and efficient. But I paid for something I cannot use ! Downgrade procedure : https://kb.parallels.com/8913
hm ... it doesn't seem to be over yet ... https://forum.parallels.com/threads/usb-interface-communication-issue.355681/#post-896933