Hello, I was wondering if someone could help me. I can´t download videos with the Video downloader of Parrallels Toolbox. I´m working with a MAcbook pro M4 pro. However, when I try download videos with an old Macbook, I can download them with the same tool. I started two days ago with this new Mac and installed Parallels Tools right away, and since the beginning I can´t download videos. I paste the link and the arrow is working like it´s downloading but nothing happens. I appreciate the help a lot because it`s very important for me. Sorry for my English, but it is not my first language. Thank you very much in advance. Best regards.
Make sure that your Parallels Toolbox is updated to the latest version, as compatibility issues can sometimes cause problems. Also, check your Mac's security settings to ensure that the app has permission to access the internet. If that doesn't work, try reinstalling the Toolbox.
Hello, Thank you very much. It didn´t work. There's any chance of other way of support or ticket of support? I need the video downloader to work because it´s one of the tools I use the most. Thank you in advance. Best regards.
I've used Parallels Toolbox for Mac for years now. I, also, use it because of both the video and audio download tools to download educational content from YouTube. Whenever YouTube changes things on their end, the video and audio download tools stop working. And, in my experience, before I can resume downloading YouTube content I must wait until Parallels updates these tools, which results in a new version of Parallels Toolbox for Mac. Currently, I'm waiting for an updated version because it will not download YouTube content. It gives multiple errors like drag thumbnail to app window, paste URL in app window, or there is no URL in the clipboard. All of these errors are incorrect. It's just YouTube doing something on their end, and Parallels must be updated so these download tools will work again. Simple as that. Thanks!