Stop Parallels from automatically starting when opening a MS Office file (e.g., xlsx, docx, pptx)

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by pd_6, Dec 31, 2023.

  1. pd_6

    pd_6 Bit poster


    I'm running Parallels on MacOS and I recently opened some MS Word and MS Excel documents from the "Mac Side" and Parallels was nice enough to ask me if I wanted to automatically (always) open these files from the "Windows Side" by default.

    I clicked "Yes." but now I want to switch back and I can't figure out how to undo my preference.

    I can see this issue has been discussed previously ( and but those threads are somewhat old and I can't seem to follow them to undo my change.

    To be clear, what happens at the moment is if I double click on a MS Excel file from the Mac Finder, Parallels will automatically fire up and open the Excel file in Windows.

    What I would like to ONLY open the Windows app if Parallels is already running.

  2. pd_6

    pd_6 Bit poster

    Never mind. I figured it out. It's simply a matter of changing the default "open with" application via Mac Finder.

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