USB Serial Device (COM 3) This device cannot start. (Code 10)

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by DavidC98, Nov 4, 2021.

  1. DavidC98

    DavidC98 Bit poster

    I'm getting the following error under Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Devices and Printers:
    USB Serial Device (COM 3) This device cannot start. (Code 10). The model is GD32 Virtual ComPort in FS Mode​
    When I go into properties I see under device status, "{Operation Failed} The requested operation was unsuccessful."
    It worked fine until I upgraded to macOS Monterey 12.0.1 & Parallels Desktop 17.1.0
    Also, when I boot windows 10 natively (via bootcamp) it works great
    I searched in the forum and couldn't find any solutions.
    Any and all questions, rants and/or ideas are welcome. Thanks.
    Mark B and ViktorP3 like this.
  2. GampaA@P

    GampaA@P Pro

    Hello @DavidC98, please generate a Technical Report ID following the instructions from this Knowledge base article and provide us the 9 digit technical report ID here for further investigation. Thanks, Parallels Team.
    DavidC98 likes this.
  3. ViktorP3

    ViktorP3 Bit poster

    I confirm! I have the same problem on a macOS Monterey 12.0.1 & Parallels Desktop 17.1.0 with error 10 and after reading different forums, I saw that many people face the inability to connect devices directly via external hard drives (I tried to connect several of my drives) in versions 17 and 16, while this is on older versions Parallels (15 and older) were all great. In this case, the version of Windows does not matter, maybe I tried both at 10 and at 11 - the result is the same. Also, the USB device does not matter - the error is the same everywhere when the device is directly connected

    Attached Files:

  4. ViktorP3

    ViktorP3 Bit poster

    Yes indeed there is such a problem and downgrading as described in this manual did not help and the problem remained the same
  5. DavidC98

    DavidC98 Bit poster

    Sorry for the late response. The technical report ID is 383040437. Thanks again for looking into this, and I'll try to respond much quicker if not in real-time.
  6. HC_3

    HC_3 Hunter

  7. Mark B

    Mark B Bit poster

    I'm having this issue too, and can no longer access connected devices.
  8. GampaA@P

    GampaA@P Pro

    Hello @Mark B , please generate a Technical Report ID following the instructions from this Knowledge base article and provide us the 9 digit technical report ID here for further investigation. . Thanks, Parallels Team.
  9. Mark B

    Mark B Bit poster

    Thanks @GampaA@Parallels, appreciate the assistance. The report ID is 383490944 and I'm providing the accompanying info below in case it helps subsequent researchers with the same issue. Do you have any view on when a solution might be rolled out, assuming the root issue is identified today? I need to know whether to hang tight or buy a physical Windows machine just so that I can use my COM port dependant hardware.

    I'm unable to use devices which connect to the USB Serial port(s) - some of these show an error in Device Manager, others appear OK until you attempt to read from the port. The screenshot attached shows Windows in Test Mode and with driver signing disabled, something which is necessary in order to use the only available (unsigned) native driver for the GD32 device. Once the unsigned driver is sucessfully installed the COM port appears without exclamation mark, but we're not able to communicate with it. Prior to the latest Parallels update this device worked fine with Windows' own driver, and the exact same symptoms are observed with another device entirely:
  10. GampaA@P

    GampaA@P Pro

  11. Mark B

    Mark B Bit poster

    I can't see a link to in KB8913.
  12. Mark B

    Mark B Bit poster

  13. DebasmitaM

    DebasmitaM Forum Maven

    Hello, please visit for downloading 17.0.1 version. Thanks, Parallels Team.
    DavidC98 likes this.
  14. HC_3

    HC_3 Hunter

  15. Mark B

    Mark B Bit poster

    Thanks for providing me with the correct link, albeit on the second attempt. I note that KB128608 was last revised 03 Nov making it at least two days older than the first post in this thread, which makes me wonder why it wasn't proposed to @DavidC98 in response to his sufficiently detailed report.

    I'm also left questioning my earlier decision to pay for a Pro Edition subscription when I have to roll back in order to retain basic functionality like USB ports. I've been a customer for 9 years now but that could well change at renewal time ...
    Mark Fine likes this.
  16. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    I've been a customer since v3, so some 14 or 15 years now. I have several VMs that I use spanning from Android, to Fedora, to Windows (xp, 10 and 11) that I regularly use for development (and some gaming) so rolling back is not a viable option. Nor do I think it's very ethical for them to ask subscribers to do so with nothing more than a "my bad, as you were...".
    It's ironic that after years of finally fixing the video support in Linux, that now USB support is suddenly broken across-the-board for several common devices. The continual lack of timely and adequate response to these kinds of problems in favor of 'quick fixes' and leaving it to customers to fix (in the case of Linux) has been problematic for some time. This may be the final straw for me as well.
  17. DavidC98

    DavidC98 Bit poster

    Hi! I thought I'd better give everyone an update to this thread. So, Parallels Tech Support scheduled a phone call with me on Monday to better understand the issue. And as expected, they had me downgrade. I only had to downgrade to 17.0.1, and it worked again. Also, they said it should be fixed in 17.2. Speaking for myself, I'm cutting them some slack because this GD32 Virtual ComPort in FS Mode is a ham radio with the world's worst documentation on the planet (which I knew going into this project). Parallels Tech support was pretty cool and proactive.
  18. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    I used to have a Prolific PL-2302-style adapter, which also worked in several earlier macOS versions ago. Support for it suddenly disappeared. I ended up using a UCBT232B Serial Bluetooth Adapter to control my NRD-535D. It was a pain to initially set up (needed to use something like CoolTerm to 'program' it), but has worked fairly well for all my radios, in every operating system.
  19. DavidC98

    DavidC98 Bit poster

    Did you ever do weather fax with your NRD? Just curious. In my case, it's an Alinco DJ-MD5 DMR radio (which is basically an Anytone 878, at least from a software perspective), so it's USB type C (Macbook Pro side) to USB Micro B (Alinco side). This is nothing more than a long-winded version of saying your issue must be way more challenging! 73 de KØTOC
  20. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    As a matter of fact I have. More recently had been using it for DRM because it had such a wide tunable frontend, so it was simple to get a full 10MHz channel through it. More on topic is that I'm also concerned that the USB issues affect the use of my RTL-SDR and Airspy HF+ Discovery. The Airspy seems to work in a Win11 VM, but the RTL-SDR does not. More Parallels USB weirdness I suspect. Just glad the only thing I really use the RTL-SDR for anymore is nrsc5 decoding of HD Radio, which never worked properly in Windows (10 or 11) anyway.
    DavidC98 likes this.

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